Jul 31, 2023Liked by James O'Reilly, John Jakubisin, Peter Cermak

The answer, although I have no idea how to get there, is Distributism.


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Thanks for commenting Mike! In an earlier version of my conclusion I brought in Catholic social teaching as being a relevant part of this conversation, but I decided against introducing another theory. So I definitely agree with you that distributism plays a part in the answer. My focus was more on a diagnosis of the current state, rather than a solution. There is certainly many interesting questions to explore in how we would move from capitalism to distributism.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023Liked by John Jakubisin

While I think this outline is correct to some degree, it seems that capitalism will always make this move to corporatism and subsequently to socialism. If only conservatives could give up capitalism as the economic policy they wish to uphold.

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Thanks for commenting! I agree that the progression between these three is likely inevitable. I think conservatives may start to consider that they can let go of capitalism if more begin to recognize this progression. Perhaps the future move will be to distributism as Mike L suggests above, or an economic policy not fully realized yet.

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